Using your own Email Server

PayorCRM gives you the ability to use your own email server to send emails. The app can connect to your email server via its SMTP service

The following list provides information about the various configuration parameters used to enable this feature

Secure email delivery using TLS/STARTTLS

  • SMTP Address– is the hostname or IP address to connect to

  • Port – is the port to connect to ( usual values are 587, 465, 25)

  • User is the username/email address of the email server account

  • Password is the password for the email server account

  • Security type if "Always On" the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If "Opportunistic" then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. (In most cases set to "Always On" if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it "Opportunistic" )

Steps to enable this feature

Under settings, Go to "SETTINGS ADVANCED" -> Select "Email Server Settings" -> Enter the above values -> SAVE

To test the SMTP setup, Go to collect view -> Select a customer -> select an invoice -> Send an invoice reminder to your own email id.

An email with the error message will be sent to your login email id if the SMTP connection fails.

External links to common email server SMTP setup info

Last updated